Il territorio tra innovazione sociale e sviluppo locale: l’esperienza del patto territoriale delle Colline Romane

The Territory between Social Innovation and Local Development : The experience of the Roman Hills' Territorial Pact


  • Michela Luzi Università Niccolò Cusano, Italy


Any development and social innovation intervention must succeed in involving and en-hancing local actors, considered as the real protagonist in the growth of a territory. All local actors, if involved through the application of governance, can contribute to the implementa-tion of the milieu, a relational space, which replaces the traditional physical space and which promotes the realization of shared development programmes. Among the various types of programming there is the institute of “Patto Territoriale delle Colline Romane”. The Roman Hills have been protagonists of the realization of a Pact finalized to create development and opportunities for the territory.



How to Cite

Luzi, M. (2018). Il territorio tra innovazione sociale e sviluppo locale: l’esperienza del patto territoriale delle Colline Romane: The Territory between Social Innovation and Local Development : The experience of the Roman Hills’ Territorial Pact. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 3(1), 97–109. Retrieved from