Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): Affettività, sensibilità ed emozioni nel XXI secolo / Affectivity, Sensitivity and Emotions in the 21st Century

The article published on 06/12/2019, BARBIERI, A.S.A. (2019). Scrivere la storia delle emozioni: dall’oggetto alle categorie di analisi. Culture e Studi del Sociale, 4(2), 131-145, was removed on 07/07/2021 due to copyright issues against the article, Quentin Deluermoz, Emmanuel Fureix, Hervé Mazurel et M’hamed Oualdi, « Écrire l’histoire des émotions : de l’objet à la catégorie d’analyse », Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle, 47 | 2013, 155-189. To the Revue and to the Authors of the latter article, a personal apology from the Editor-in-Chief.