Famiglie migranti con minori disabili. Prospettive inclusive nel sistema socio-sanitario e scolastico italiano

Migrant Families with Disabled Children. Inclusive Prospects in the Italian Health and Social Education System


  • Emanuela Bini Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Italy


In Italy the increasing number of migrant families with disabled children requires that health services and school system renew welcoming practices in order to answer properly to the rising needs of multicultural users. In this article, after describing data and trends of mi-gratory flows in Italy, I focus on the main critical issues and on the proper strategies to im-prove welcoming practices of migrant families, considering studies and researches that in-vestigated the twist between disability and migration. Welcoming practices and inclusion represent a challenge for the Italian health services and school system to renew methodolo-gies and strategies in order to guarantee the right to health and education.



How to Cite

Bini, E. (2017). Famiglie migranti con minori disabili. Prospettive inclusive nel sistema socio-sanitario e scolastico italiano: Migrant Families with Disabled Children. Inclusive Prospects in the Italian Health and Social Education System. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 2(2), 203–211. Retrieved from https://www.cussoc.it/journal/article/view/51