Come definire un percorso di successo.

Valutazione e follow-up della presa in carico degli uomini autori di violenza


  • Maddalena Cannito University of Turin, Italy
  • Paola Maria Torrioni University of Turin, Italy


follow-up, evaluation, interventions with male perpetrators of violence


The paper addresses the issue of evaluation and follow-up of interventions of Centers for Authors of Violence (CUAV). Through empirical data, collected in the Piedmont region, through focus groups and interviews with CUAV’s workers, the ways in which those working with perpetrators of violence define a “successful intervention” were explored. What emerges is that evaluation is still at an extremely embryonic stage and not guided by shared and codified tools. This leads to defining success as change of the user/patient assessed by the practitioner/psychologist, often without taking into consideration also a collective assessment and a change in gender attitudes and stereotypes. An important finding that emerged from the research is the centrality of the anti-violence network in assessing the effectiveness of the programs; an aspect, however, that still has to be built but increasingly central given the entry of judges and lawyers into the network, following the approval of the so-called Codice Rosso.


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How to Cite

Cannito, M., & Torrioni, P. M. (2023). Come definire un percorso di successo.: Valutazione e follow-up della presa in carico degli uomini autori di violenza. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 8(2), 27–43. Retrieved from