Diritti senza terra vagano nel mondo? Riflessioni sul femminismo globale


  • Anna Cavaliere University of Salerno, Italy


Iran, Ezidis, Global feminism


The recent feminist uprisings in Iran and the attempt at parity democracy in the Iraqi enclave of the Ezidis raise a question that feminist reflection periodically confronts itself with: can feminism be considered a typically Western phenomenon, or does it have a global reach? The essay highlights that the Feminism has had a specific historical origin: it represents a typical product of the age of rights. However, this does not imply that it has remained, over the last two centuries, an exclusively “one-Dimensional” phenomenon.

The struggles for the emancipation and liberation of women have affected and involved different areas of the planet, from Europe to Latin America, from Asia to Africa. By opposing local patriarchates, feminisms have fought not only for women but also against different forms of discrimination and injustice that affect everyone


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How to Cite

Cavaliere, A. (2023). Diritti senza terra vagano nel mondo? Riflessioni sul femminismo globale. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 8(1), 10–20. Retrieved from https://www.cussoc.it/journal/article/view/297