Il duplice rischio
Dinamiche della vittimizzazione secondaria di madri sopravvissute alla violenza di genere nella tutela minori
secondary victimization, gender-based violence against women, child protectionAbstract
The contribution aims to shed light on the dynamics of secondary victimization of mothers who survived gender-based violence with child protection social workers. It is based on two research studies conducted in South Tyrol, northern Italy, and gathers different perspectives: that of the professionals in the women's shelters, that of the child protection social workers, and that of the mothers who have survived gender-based violence and are in contact with child protection social workers. These different perspectives show which factors lead to the double-risk mothers who survived gender-based violence are confronted with. International research shows how these situations manifest themselves in work practices that are penalizing for both mothers and children involved (Bourassa et al. 2008; Crawford et al., 2009; Cooley & Frazer, 2006; Freymond, 2003; Johnson & Sullivan, 2008, Lapierre, 2008). The risk of establishing dynamics of secondary victimization can be linked to two elements: to the expectations on motherhood, and to the expectations on the victims. Concrete examples illustrate the double risk mothers who survived gender-based violence are confronted with if they are in contact with child protection social workers. Besides the critical elements from the research, it was also possible to identify strategies to prevent these dynamics.
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