I valori dei giovani e la trasmissione intergenerazionale: una ricerca esplorativa durante l’emergenza Covid-19

Generation Z and Intergenerational Transmission of Values: An Exploratory Research during the Covid19 Emergency



The purpose of this contribution is to study the importance of values and the intergenerational transmission from the point of view of the z generation. Through the Evs2018 data and a case study that involved 716 subjects between the ages of 20-25 years, we have analyzed the values considered most important by young people, those believed to be inherited from parents, the knowledge of their family history and intergenerational solidarity. An in-depth study was also carried out in relation to the values that became most important for young people during the Covid19 health emergency. The main results have highlighted some aspects of continuity and specificity between the different generations and confirmed the importance of the gender dimension in the intergenerational transmission processes.


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