The Political Communication of Italia Viva on Instagram: From its Formation to the COVID-19 Emergency


  • Agostino Stavolo University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • Assunta Luongo University of Naples Federico II, Italy


On 16th September 2019, Matteo Renzi in live recording announces his exit from PD and the formation of a new party called "Italia Viva". According to these social and political events, the research aims at understanding, through an approach based on content analysis, what are the main contents conveyed by the Instagram page of Italia Viva in the initial phase of the birth of the party – from September 16 to February 19 - and if there are any differences in the communication strategy adopted during the COVID-19 emergency – from February 20 until June 3. The expected results of the study are focused on analyzing the relationship between digital spaces, politics, and the pandemic, offering a detailed analysis of the consequences of the COVID-19 emergency on politics and the use of the media, contextualized in the communication strategies of the Italia Viva party.


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