La violenza di genere confinata tra le pareti domestiche durante il lockdown

Gender-based Violence in the Household During Lockdown



The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our living systems and, more generally, on the economic and political organization of our country. The significant loss of human lives, the interruption of economic activities, the lockdown, to give just a few references, are an undoubted threat to our well-being. Rather important was the impact of the confinement on families and markedly on women, favoring the most disparate forms of abuse. In this scenario, gender-based violence is not added to the list of effects on life, but rather expresses that dimension of life - often left in the shadows - that reflects pathways of suffocated equality and rights often denied to women. Indeed, gender-based violence is an expression of inequality between women and men made clear by the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, the fight against gender-based violence remains a challenge for the 21st century. This paper aims to explore two key issues: gender inequality and interlinkage between reproduction and production sphere, focusing on pre-existing inequalities and vulnerabilities in women's life experiences.


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How to Cite

Moffa, G., & Chirivì, M. (2020). La violenza di genere confinata tra le pareti domestiche durante il lockdown: Gender-based Violence in the Household During Lockdown. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 5(2), 559–567. Retrieved from