Lo sviluppo sostenibile del genere, il genere dello sviluppo sostenibile. Prospettive di un processo integrato

The sustainable development of gender, the gender of sustainable development. Perspectives for an integrated process



Gender and sustainability are joined by twisting together in a logic and consequent way that only in the recent years has been commonly valorized. On the contrary, in the previous societies it seemed that the process of economic and social development was counterposed to the female identities and roles and today the cultural inheritance is the identification of the gender as a discriminating factor for female and the other gender identities as those of the most vulnerable actors, together with young and old people. Nevertheless, as mentioned before, there is an institutional national and supranational acknowledgment and a growing common awareness on the necessity of the gender equality for the economic, social and cultural development, even defined in the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals. The outcomes of the exploration of the positive and negative dimensions of the gender implications for the development will be analysed in the perspective of the current definition of a new paradigm: its basic claim is that a stable economic growth and inclusive societies could be only if the female rights are protected and promoted.


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How to Cite

Nocenzi, M. (2020). Lo sviluppo sostenibile del genere, il genere dello sviluppo sostenibile. Prospettive di un processo integrato: The sustainable development of gender, the gender of sustainable development. Perspectives for an integrated process. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 5(1), 83–100. Retrieved from https://www.cussoc.it/journal/article/view/114