Agenda 2030 tra Sviluppo Sostenibile e cultura della sostenibilità: una lettura sociologica

Agenda 2030 between Sustainable Development and the Culture of Sustainability: A Sociological Reading


  • Angelo Falzarano University of Naples "Federico II", Italy


In an international context in which cultural policies are increasingly moving away from a political and social tradition to become a secondary element of economic development strategies, the integration of a social interpretation of culture into debates on sustainable development would contribute to improving benefits of social and environmental cultural actions. This type of perspective is reflected in the work of some authors, including Kagan (2011), which deals with the notion of a culture of sustainability (values, norms and social conventions associated with sustainable practices) and ways in which the arts can inform and promote processes of social transformation. The role of culture (as a system of values ??and norms) in sustainable development is based on the ability to process development models deriving from the 17 objectives and 169 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. The purpose of this work is to outline and comment on the specific ideas that Various authors have developed around this problem over the last decade.


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How to Cite

Falzarano, A. (2020). Agenda 2030 tra Sviluppo Sostenibile e cultura della sostenibilità: una lettura sociologica: Agenda 2030 between Sustainable Development and the Culture of Sustainability: A Sociological Reading. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 5(1), 143–152. Retrieved from